Giclee Art Prints

/Giclee Art Prints
Giclee Art Prints 2023-07-19T01:48:15+00:00

Giclee Art Prints


Giclee-Fine Art Papers and Canvas
Size * William tuner Water 310g * Canon art Velvet 255g * Sunset Fiber Rag 335g * Sunset Select  Canvas Roll *3/4″stretch Sunset Canvas
8×10 21.00 18.00 19.95 19.50 33.50
12×12 28.00 23.00 27.00 29.00 50.00
11×14 28.00 23.00 27.00 29.00 50.00
11×17 31.00 26.00 33.00 35.50 58.00
16×20 49.00 41.00 48.00 39.00 65.00
16×24 54.00 49.00 54.00 45.00 72.00
20×24 70.00 55.00 64.00 55.00 85.00
20×30 85.00 75.00 88.00 73.00 95.00
24×30 99.00 87.00 99.00 85.00 105.00
24×36 115.00 105.00 115.00 91.00 116.00
30×40 148.00 136.00 148.00 138.00 185.00
36×54 195.00 165.00 189.00 178.00 NA
40×50 210.00 198.00 210.00 234.00 NA
40×60 254.00 215.00 254.00 255.00 NA
44×55 266.00 226.00 266.00 266.00 NA
44×66 319.00 269.00 319.00 289.50

* William Tuner Watercolor 310 gsm:

With its matt watercolour texture this paper is a genuine mould-made paper in both look and feel. William Turner is ideal for reproductions of traditional artworks and also for striking and expressive photo reproductions.

William Tuner Watercolor 310 gsm

William Tuner Watercolor 310 gsm

* Canon Fine Art Velvet 255 gsm:

Canon Fine Art Enhance Velvet Paper is made for artists and photographers who demand an inkjet paper that shares the same texture and feel of a watercolor paper. The Fine Art Enhance Velvet Paper allows you to produce a print with a very high resolution and wide color gamut.

* Sunset Fiber Rag 335 gsm:

Sunset Fibre Rag 335g is the latest addition to the award winning lineup from LexJet’s Sunset brand of fine art and fine photo inkjet papers. It was developed as a complement to the current mix of papers, and to answer the call from end users for a high-end air-dried look on a 100% cotton rag base. Like the rest of the Sunset Fibre line, it too is modeled after the traditional fibre-based materials used in a conventional darkroom. Sunset Fibre Rag 335g contains no optical brighteners, but still contains a very bright neutral white-point. It has a gloss finish with a relatively smooth, yet very subtle textured surface, creating the perfect inkjet alternative. Elevate the value of your work and order yours today.

* Sunset Select Matte Canvas 430 gsm:

The bright-white, matte-coated surface of this poly/cotton blend canvas provides the wide color gamut and color-consistency needed to fulfill a wide range of art-reproduction and photo printing requirements while facilitating stretching and other forms of finishing and display. The relatively smooth Oxford 2 over 1 weave is ideal for photo and art reproduction.